
Though a newer hobby, skateboarding is something I have always envied and I am glad that I am doing my best to learn it at all. It has been a difficult process which ends in me being sore and getting hurt alot, but to me it is very fun! It is another hobby that I have been able to bond with friends and make closer friends while doing.


One my favorite things to watch is anime. I have completed almost 100 anime of various genre. My favorite anime is undeniably One Piece by Eichiro Oda. Sitting at just under 1000 episodes it the longest thing I have ever watched and now that I am caught up to when it releases weekly I am just wishing there was more! I have been watching anime for around 6 years now and it has been such a great form of entertainment as well as bringing me new hobbies, like skating from SK8 the infinity.


Playing on and using computers has been a part of my life since I was a kid. I never had my own computer growing up, using the family computer in my free time was my only option. After saving up from my job in highschool I was finally able to buy all of the parts for my own computer in my senior year. I ordered all of the parts and built it myself, and just last year I was even able to get an Nvidia RTX 3070 despite their crazy demand.

Skating anime picture Joey standing in front of trees