- convert gamebot to supybot (currently legacy perl)
- move desks in lab
- update constitution
- update membership agreement (especially links)
- update code of conduct (possibly add NDA)
- possibly digitize sign in, centrally log who is here
- make three-fold display board for PR stuff
- argue with Rondeau re: putting servers inside network
- set up pandabot w/ player timeout, song announce, speak, mute, auto op, messages, pianobar, difmplay
- evaluate firefox sync or scripts to open weekly news pages
- finalize flyer
- post flyer
Recurring tasks to be assigned:
- put up signs
- set up projector
- log in lab machines
- open firefox with current events
- start relevant VMs
- get out paperwork for sign in, membership agreements, etc
- make sure everyone signed in
- make sure membership agreements are signed as needed
- take notes for detailed writeup
- take down signs
- put away projector (after it cools)
- shutdown vms
- log out lab machines
- update tv screen pic with next week’s topic
- write public post with general summary
- write private post with all the details and link to it
- update access roster for website
- update member roster on website
- update mailing list
- update task list
- update scheduled topics
- update membership list on dawg den