Grey Hat Group

Article Updated: 3/8/2022


  1. Welcome – If this was your first meeting, then welcome and be sure to participate in the demos that we have during meetings so that you can get the full experience of Greyhat.

  2. Sign-In/Member Agreement – Be sure to sign in each day so that we can cross-check who is new to meetings and who is a returning member, and also remember to sign the Code of Conduct if you wish to be a full member of Greyhat.

  3. Doors – Make sure the double-doors leading into CP-206 are not propped open, otherwise we get in trouble with the director and any other faculty member who comes across them (This is bad!).

  4. TV Ads/Flyers – We will be placing ads on the TV’s around campus and posting flyers on the bulletin boards as well. The TV ads should contain next meeting’s agenda as well.

  5. IRC – If you’re a member of Grey Hat and you’re not on IRC, then get on it! There are plenty of IRC clients out there that are free on every platform. Officers are always in the #greyhat channel and will be willing to answer questions you may have to the best of our knowledge. Also, you can find a tutorial about how to set up persistent IRC so that you never miss a thing! (Found at

  6. PGP Keys – If you missed the meeting where we walked through getting PGP keys, you can find the walkthrough in last week’s minutes.

  7. Officer position – Our current Vice President (Aaron Stephens) is currently in an internship that will be lasting about two quarters, so he is missing Grey Hat meetings. Therefore, it has been decided that he should be temporarily replaced by one of the other members of Grey Hat. We will be talking about this more next week.

  8. Next Week’s Topic – Our Industry Liaison (Dan Massie) is talking about the VDN group that he is apart of and what it is they are doing.