Since founded, ECS@UW has attracted more than 60 students and several faculties from various departments including chemical engineering, chemistry, physics, materials science and bioengineering to join.
2017-18 Officers
President: Jerry Chen
Li-metal batteries modeling, simulation and estimation, especially on developing the fast algorithm to facilitate real-time simulation.
Vice President of Education: Victor Hu
Schwartz Research Group
Applying nonlinear electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, an adjunct component to the common EIS technique, to lithium-ion batteries for further improve battery diagnostics
Vice President of Professional Development: Neal Dawson-Elli
Using Machine Learning to create surrogate models for optimization of physics-based battery models.
Vice President of Outreach: Caitlin Parke
I work with physics-based models for lithium metal and lithium-sulfur battery control and development.
Secretary: Evan Jahrman
Gerald Seidler Research Group
As an x-ray spectroscopist, I am keenly aware of the role element specific techniques sensitive to an atom’s ligand environment and oxidation state can play, especially for in operando studies aimed at understanding aging effects.
Treasurer: Luke Gibson
Pfaendtner Research Group (PRG)
Using computational chemistry to study early state SEI formation.
Webmaster: Matt Murbach
Schwartz Research Group
Matt’s research brings together data science and electrochemistry to develop tools for advanced diagnostics for electrochemical systems. His work particularly focuses on nonlinear electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (NLEIS) for lithium-ion batteries. He is also a co-founder of Battery Informatics, a startup focused on commercializing next-generation battery management systems.
Past Officers
President: Matt Murbach
Vice President of Education: Jerry Chen
Vice President of Professional Development: Robert Masse
Vice President of Outreach: Manan Pathak
Secretary: Neal Dawson-Elli
Treasurer: Grant Williamson
Webmaster: Yanbo Qi
President: Matthew Murbach
Vice President of Education: Trevor Braun
Vice President of Outreach: Dion Hubble
Vice President of Professional Development: Robert Masse
Vice President of Public Relations: Yanbo Qi