2017 Summer: Chapter update

A few updates from ECS@UW:

1. Interested in data science and electrochemistry? There will be an ECS Hack Day event at the October ECS meeting in National Harbor (Washington, DC). More info and the application can be found here: http://www.electrochem.org/232/hack-day. If you have any questions please feel free to let me know.

2. Our next meeting for the summer Electrochemistry and Coffee series will be next Friday at 10am in MolES 315. Please note the change in the day. We will be discussing Chapter 7, Structure of the Electric Double Layer.

3. Officer elections will be coming up this fall. Please start thinking about how you can help make sure ECS@UW continues to bring together people from across campus, hold cool events like the Industry Panel, and cover topics like CV, EIS, and (potentially coming up) XANES. Positions include Chair, Vice Chair of Outreach, Vice Chair of Professional Development, Vice Chair of Education, Treasurer, Secretary, and Webmaster.

First ECS@UW educational meeting of the year

Thursday, October 20, 2016, at 5 PM – 6 PM

Molecular Sciences and Engineering Building

Our first ECS@UW educational meeting of the year!

Come listen to Robert talk about electrode materials, hang out with other electrochemists, and enjoy some free Pagliacci pizza

Please share with your labmates, undergraduate researchers, and postdocs. Let’s get this year off to a great start!

General Meeting + Officer Elections

Friday, October 14, 2016, at 3 PM – 4 PM

HUB Room 238



President: Matt Murbach

Vice President of Education: Jerry Chen

Vice President of Professional Development: Robert Masse

Vice President of Outreach: Manan Pathak

Secretary: Neal Dawson-Elli

Treasurer: Grant Williamson

Webmaster: Yanbo Qi

ECS@UW General Meeting

Our first meeting of the 2016-17 year! (MolES 115)

Items on the agenda:
– Discuss plans for outreach to incoming graduate students across departments (ChemE, MSE, Chemistry, Physics, BioE, …)
– Discuss officer elections (tentatively scheduled around end of October)
– Brainstorm events for the year (industry networking nights, outreach through CEI, …)