Campus Girl Scouts University of Washington Meeting Minutes April 13, 1999 6:00 PM Main Council Office - Conference Room Facilitator: Angelina Ramirez, Amy Poort Note Taker: Hannah Tang GSTC Advisors: Angelina Ramirez, Amy Poort Present: Suzanne Snyder, Megan Davis, Stephanie Richardson, Leanne Gilly ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Constitution Recognition Leanne mentioned that, since Campus Girl Scouts is an organization under GSTC's umbrella, we might be required to use GSTC's constitution and also that we could not be a GSTC organization without having the Board of Directors approval. Angelina clarified the confusion, saying that the Board's official approval was necessary only if Campus Girl Scouts wanted to have a vote at the Annual Council Meeting. However, since all Campus Scouts are already registered Girl Scouts, they already have a vote, and official recognition is not a necessity. Angelina also stated that, as an organization officially sanctioned by GSUSA, we do not explicitly need GSTC Board of Directors approval - Campus Girl Scouts is considered by National to be an 'age level' (like Daisies, or Brownies). Therefore, we are not required to use GSTC's constitution. CONCLUSIONS: In the meantime, we will continue to be an unofficial group in GSTC. We will examine the possibility of becoming a 'service-unit-within-a-service-unit,' as that appears to be what Campus Girl Scouts at Western Washington University is doing. *Constitution Hannah presented the final draft of the constitution at the meeting. There was discussion as to the specific duties and responsibilities of the voting membership. There was also a suggestion to explicitly state in the constitution a time for changing dues. Two changes were made: Article VII.2 (Meetings) - redefined the quorum in terms of the voting membership (25%) Article IX.1 (Dues) - membership dues set by the general membership. A final copy was printed off by Angelina and unanimously ratified by the present members. CONCLUSIONS: The constitution has been completed and ratified. ACTIONS: None. *Elections Since there were five members present, all five were elected as core officers. Because UW requires one officer from a student organization to have attended an SAO informational meeting, Jessica was elected officer-at-large in absentia. CONCLUSIONS: Executive Facilitator: Stephanie Richardson. Secretary: Hannah Tang. Treasurer: Leanne Gilly. Community Service Coordinator: Megan Davis. Communications Officer: Suzanne Snyder. Officer-at-Large: Jessica Tang. ACTIONS: None. *Registration Paperwork The paperwork was filled out at the meeting. Hannah volunteered to take it to Jessica so that she could sign and turn it in. ACTIONS: Hannah will take the paperwork to Jessica, who will turn it in. *Event Ideas Several ideas for events were proposed. Among them were: -Senior "Women's Own" - an event for seniors to socialize, information sessions and personal development workshops, recognition for graduating seniors (with the possibility of a bridging ceremony). This event would be to fill the gap in 'for-fun' programming for Senior scouts. The recommended time slot would be April (to avoid proms and graduations). -Campus GS 'Welcome' social - an informal gathering of incoming freshmen to the UW. It might include the campus scouts' candid appraisal of UW, informal tours of campus, and a walk through the University District. -IMA/Climbing Wall/Canoeing - suggestions were made to do an activity down in the activity centers in south campus. The WAC (Waterfront Activities Center - for canoeing), IMA (Intramural Activities Center - for tennis, basketball, roller-skating, swimming), and the rock-climbing wall are all located there. -Rededication - to serve as the big autumn recruitment event? Some suggestions were to have it at the HUB, or to canoe down to the Arboretum (from the WAC). Concerns were brought up regarding Safety-Wise's recommendations for canoe safety. -Hikes - Several hikes were recommended. -Picnics - Picnics were also suggested as good recruiting events for incoming freshman. Several sites, including Matthew's Beach (in Sand Point), Magnuson Park, Gasworks Park, the Arboretum, Green Lake, and Shilshole Bay were mentioned. -Northwest Folklife Festival - The Seattle area's annual Folklife Festival occurs on Memorial Day weekend (May 29 this year). This would make a good event for just the Campus Girl Scouts to get to know eachother better. CONCLUSIONS: Suzanne will look into several hikes. ACTIONS: None. *Campus Girl Scouts Open House This is an extension of the 'welcome' event which is mentioned above. Campus Girl Scouts will provide the food for an event to be held at Main Council Office. Afterwards, interested girls can follow Campus Girl Scouts to the University District or the University of Washington for a tour. CONCLUSIONS: The open house will be on Saturday, May 15. This weekend coincides with the University District's street fair, so there should be plenty to show the girls. We will charge $2 for lunch supplies. Angelina will help us distribute flyers to other Washington councils, and girls must RSVP by May 10. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM