When you agree to login with Facebook, we use the Facebook GraphAPI to collect your: *list features here* The only data we receive is data that is publically available on your profile, and it is through a secure API, monitored by Facebook.
It get's temporarily stored through the secure Facebook GraphAPI, and used to produce educational content for you.
Temporarily, this site does. But everything is through the API, meaning the creators of this site cannot see your personal data. Also, a friendly reminder that you can download your own Facebook data here.
Traditionally, many people have regarded ML as difficult to learn. That might be because there are so many different ways to do ML and a pretty wide background is required for literacy with ML, programming, math, and statistics. However, we are here as a first step to help you ease into your Learning Machine Learning journey. We hope we can make it as fun and painless as possible.
Currently, there is very little research on how to teach Machine Learning effectively. (we don't even know what effective might mean!) The author of this project is a phD student at UW researching Machine Learning Literacy, and is constantly updating educational materials to reflect findings in the field!