Come join UW’s Kendo Club today!

We practice 7:00pm – 9:00pm on Wednesdays (IMA Gym B) and Fridays (IMA Studio 216)

Most of our photographs are taken by Kendo Photography and alumni.

Wondering what the club is up to this month? Follow this link to May’s calendar!

Beginner Trial Dates

Beginner Trial Period

Week 1 & 2 of Every Quarter

New people and beginners are welcome to come try kendo during this no stakes period!

Spring Quarter Beginner Trial Practices

March 27 & 29, April 3 & 5・7pm – 9pm・IMA Gym B (Wednesdays) & IMA Studio 216 (Fridays)

Unsure if you want to commit to kendo? Try it out during one of the trial practices before deciding!

Upcoming Taikai and Shinsa

UW Taikai

April 27・UW Seattle IMA

We will be hosting a kendo tournament on the UW Seattle campus in our IMA! If you are in bogu, this is a great opportunity to fight people not in our dojo and watch different skill levels of kendo! If you are not in bogu, please still come as we need lots of help to ensure the taikai runs smoothly!

Yuhihai Taikai

May 19th・UCLA

We will be going to UCLA in California to participate in a kendo tournament! If you are in bogu, this is a great opportunity to fight people not in our dojo and watch different skill levels of kendo! Please note that this tournament is 100% self-funded so please ensure you will be able to meet the expenses.