MightyMoieties: Albumax Edition focuses on cephalosporins which are one of the most widely used classes of antibiotics. Our modeling and research centers around cefepime, a commonly used cephalosporin. We designed albumin binding proteins to link the antibiotic to albumin.

We computationally redesigned a non-oxygen-sensitive dehalogenase to potentially have a binding efficiency to highly chlorinated PCBs. We aim to experimentally validate these protein designs by expressing the proteins in E.coli.

We hope to develop a paper-based point of care (POC) diagnostic test for early detection of melanoma. We will also design peptide-based anti-cancer therapeutics that possess both the pharmacophores of cell penetrating and protein mimicry (anticancer bioactivity).
We modified the human metallothionein IA protein to have all its 7 binding sites be specific to arsenic. The modified protein can be expressed within bacteria to remediate arsenic from the environment.

We proposed combining chemically induced dimerization (CID), in which two proteins dimerize only in the presence of a ligand, with a traditional luciferase assay to create a biosensor that luminesces when the desired molecule is introduced.

Stronger Together
We have used a novel strategy to select CID binders from a vastly diverse combinatorial nanobody library. We have created new CID systems that can sense cholecalciferol and artemisinin.

Viva La Violacein: A Real-Time Metabolics Tracker
Our project aimed to reduce the amount of time and effort needed to maintain cultures through real-time, automated analysis of metabolic products in an adjustable turbidostat.

Viva la Violacein
We've developed an autonomous control system for yeast cultures. Colored signals produced via gene expression are visually processed by computer and inducer chemicals are released as needed.

Lab on a Strip: Developing a Novel Platform for Yeast Biosensors
We have developed a cheap diagnostic tool in which genetically-modified baker’s yeast is grown on a paper device and is able to produce an easy-to-read color output in the presence of a target molecule.

High Throughput Selection of Stable Protein Variants
Our team has developed a generalizable, high throughput method to select for the increased expression and stability of engineered proteins, making them more amenable to large-scale production in Escherichia coli and other downstream applications.

Red Light, Green Light
The 2013 University of Washington iGEM team chose to continue a project we began in 2012 that is aimed at the development and characterization of a set of tools that bring multichromatic gene expression into the realm of possibility for synthetic biologists.

Our team implemented broadly applicable methods to optimize biological systems through directed evolution, light-regulated gene expression, and computer aided protein design. We characterized light-inducible protein expression systems for multichromatic tuning of biological pathways.

Make It or Break It: Diesel Production and Gluten Destruction, the Synthetic Biology Way
Synthetic biology holds great promise regarding the production of important compounds, and the degradation of harmful ones. This summer, we harnessed the power of synthetic biology to meet the world’s needs for fuel and medicine.

Antibiotics for the 21st Century
Our project targets Bacillus anthracis, the Gram-positive pathogen that causes anthrax. We re-engineered an enzyme to remove the pathogen's protective coating, rendering it defenseless against the immune system.

Ideal Protein Purification
Our project, the Idealized Protein Purification (IPP) system, is an all-in-one protein expression and purification platform built on BioBrick standards that will reduce costs, save time, and simplify procedures associated with recombinant protein production.

Our project attempts to control transfer of genetic material across phylogenetic domains. We attempt to direct the prokaryote Escherichia coli (domain Bacteria) to transfer DNA encoding potentially useful traits from to the yeast Saccharomyces cervisiae (domain Fungi).