Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Whitewater May 4

Hey hey hey, you Monkeys,

I (Matt) and Jeff will be leading a beginner trip this Sunday after the pool session. River levels are a little bipolar, so we won't be picking one until the last minute. BUT, it will be a super beginner trip. Given that, going to the pool session can only help you out, and people at the pool session get first picks on boats.

So I'm lazy - the rest of this is copied from a previous post, though it still holds true:

If you are a lake member and you'd like to go on the trip you will need to upgrade your membership to lake/sea. You can do that by filling out this form and taking it to the HUB Ticket Office. The $30 charge pays only for your American Canoe Association membership, which is our insurance coverage.

So if you're interested, RSVP to me - myork@u. with this info:
* Paddling experience, if any (most people for this trip probably won't have any)
* Can you roll?
* Your favorite breakfast food that contains no bread
* Car availability
-Number of seats
* Cell number
* What you think the most ridiculous animal is

Note: All asterisks points are required.

If there are any changes, I will announce them to the whitewater email list (ukc-ww). If you are not on the list or are unsure if you are, just add yourself by clicking here and filling out the info.

Word. I'm stoked. You should be too. Soon you will become a star of the Paddle Porn.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Important for all members: email lists

Most announcements of club activities are by the email lists ukc-all, ukc-ww or ukc-sea. When you joined the club, you should have been added to at least one of these, but often, errors are made either because your writing was ambiguous, or simply due to a typo. In that case you will get no club information!! This will seriously limit your participation.

Except in mid-winter, all members should expect to get at least a few messages from the club lists each month. If you joined the club recently, you should have got a "welcome" message automatically. If you are not getting any club email, you should contact me (remove spaces and generally make that into a real address) to add your address to the lists. Please do not ask to be added to the list if you are not a current club member.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Come be cold and miserable: Class II or III trip, Sunday, April 20th

The long term forecast is calling for rain, snow, and a high of 47 degrees on Sunday. Let's go paddle.

Depending upon interest we'll do either the Main Skykomish (class III), Big Eddy on the Skykomish (class II+) or Powerhouse (class II, appropriate for complete beginners).

This announcement is to gauge interest. Let me know if you're interested, which runs you'd like to do, and if Saturday is a better day.

In the mean time, here's an unrelated photo from the glorious spring weather we had last Saturday (please note, this photo depicts activities not sanctioned by the UKC)