Current Page:
Making Referrals



SYLAW accepts referrals for non-criminal cases.  We give priority to cases
where a legal resolution will help a youth gain stability in family,
housing, education or employment issues. Priority will also generally be
given to:

  1. "Street Youth."  Street youth are defined as youth who are homeless;
    do not have a safe or stable place to live; have no parent, guardian, or
    other caring adult who provides for their basic needs; or are at imminent
    risk for becoming homeless, placed in danger, or losing a caring adult
  2. Youth between the ages of 13 and 21;
  3. Youth who are not eligible for public defender or other legal service agency representation.
  4. Youth who have difficulty accessing necessary services due to
    disabilities, poverty, or discrimination on the basis of actual or perceived
    race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual preference, disability,
    delinquency, or age.

We encourage referrals from social service providers (caseworkers, social workers, school counselors) who have the permission to make such a referral.

To make a referral, please call 464-5936 x239, and be prepared to give your name, a number and a place where you can be reached, and a brief statement about your issue.  Anything you say will be confidential.

Remember, we cannot assist you with criminal issues.