Spring Thing 2009

- When : Sunday, May 31, 2009 from 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM
- Where : Sylvan Theater, UW Campus (map)
Spring Thing is The College of Saint Bunstable's annual spring event. Come socialize in the sun with your friends, attend court, and participate in the college's A&S championship. The Light of Saint Bunstable will also be awarded! There is no site fee and parking is free at the UW on Sundays. We look forwardto seeing you at the event! Please contact the autocrat if you have any questions (use the web form here).
Arts & Sciences Championship
The Bunstable A&S Champion is the winner of a tourney that challenges the participants to best exemplify the three ideals of the College. There ideals are Community, Passion, and Knowledge. This year's competitors will do a project from one of the three categories. All projects should in some way represent the College of Saint Bunstable or her Three Ideals.
KNOWLEDGE - Exhibit your knowledge and skill by making something that is period. This could be in the form of an embroidery of our emblem or a coin with out motto, etc. If you would like, your submission will be given to the Baron and Baroness of Madrone on behalf of the College.
COMMUNITY - Show your love of our community by feeding us! Cook or bake something period to share at Spring Thing (Unfortunately, I do not believe beer or other adult beverages will be allowed due to probable concerns from the UW). Be sure to bring enough to share with all. Due to allergy concerns, also include a list of ingredients.
PASSION - Share your inner passion by performing a song, poem, or a story in true Medieval fashion!
All submissions should also include a brief paragraph (or verbal intro) explaining how your entry a) is historically accurate, and b) embodies one or more of the Three Ideals. You will be judged on adherence to historic styles, originality, and the way in which your project reflects the College of St. Bunstable and the Ideals.
Important: Submissions from the entire SCA community are welcome, but in order to be eligible to win you MUST be a member of the College of Saint Bunstable.