Saint Bunstable Games Day
November 08, 2009

The College of Saint Bunstable invites one and all to find refuge from the long season of rain at it's games day on Sunday, November 08, 2009 at 12:30 PM. We'll be dressing up in our finest and sharing medieval snacks while playing period games and we hope you'll do us the honor of gracing us with your presence. The event will be in the Black Room at the University of Washington's Ethnic Cultural Center and will run until 5:30 PM.
Games we'll be playing include:
- Nine Man's Morris
- Chess
- Fox and Geese
- Checkers
- Cathedral
- Various card games, and many others!
There is no site fee and parking is free on Sundays, so please come and enjoy our budget-friendly event and show off your winter finest and gaming skills.
Please contact the autocrat, Ketilelf Grathe, if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you at the event!
Site Info: UW Ethnic Cultural Center, 3931 Brooklyn Ave. NE, Seattle, WA 98105
Directions: Take I-5 North or South to the NE 45th St. exit and turn east on NE 45th St. From NE 45th St, take a right on Brooklyn Ave NE. The ECC will be just south of NE 40th St. Parking can be found along the street and is free in the UW parking lot at NE 40th St. and Brooklyn Ave NE.