How to write a press release
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All media outlets receive massive amounts of information from people
who want to be written about, so a good press release is key to catching
the attention of the editor and providing a bit of useful information to
the reporter. You have to prove to them that yours is a newsworthy event.
Here are some of the key elements:
- Begin by writing "For immediate release" at the top, with the date.
- Write a punchy newspaper-style headline
- State your most important fact in the first sentence.
- Near the beginning, include the "5 Ws": Who, what, where, when, why.
- Make your press release as concise and catchy as possible. Keep it at
one page, with 1 1/2 spacing and 1 1/2"margins. If your pertinent
information goes over one page, consider attaching a separate background
briefing with your one-page release.
- Include visual details to convince the editor that there's potential
for a good photo or TV shot.
- Always include at least one contact name and telephone number.
This page includes information from the Center for Campus
Organizing and an article by Charles Dobson.