History of SAN

SAN Email Calendar

Tips for UW Activists

Useful UW Links

Progressive Media Sources

Collaborating Groups

SAN Home

Lay it on us: san@

Other Calendars:

Diversity Calendar

Seattle Peace and Justice Events

Student Activities Office Calendar

Student Activities & Union Facilities Calendar

Campus Events Calendar

The Student Action Network's Email Calendar
sign-up online at the end
4/15/2001 Calendar Online (text only)

SAN started an email calendar to help progressive groups get the word out about what's going on around campus. It's not meant to be all-inclusive; we post progressive political events around the UW campus, as well as off-campus events that have been organized by or affect the UW community (students, staff, and faculty). Other student events can be found at the Office of Minority Affairs' Diversity Calendar; links to UW and Seattle calendars are on the lower left side of this page.

The SAN calendar is put out weekly except for summer quarter, finals week, and breaks in between quarters. Postings in the past have also included websites with information for activists; progressive job, volunteer and internship opportuntities; rallies; organizing meetings; and cultural events at the UW.

If you'd like to get connected, all you have to do is fill out the form below or email san@u.washington.edu and tell us you'd like the calendar! You can also submit items for the calendar at the same email address, as long as it's UW-relevent.

Remember, democracy ain't no spectator sport!

Fill out the form to subscribe to the SAN calendar! All subscriptions received online will be verified for your protection.


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