Article I — Name

The name of this organization shall be: STUDENTS FOR HUMAN LIFE


Article II — Purpose

            STUDENTS FOR HUMAN LIFE dedicates itself to the recognition and preservation of the dignity of all human life, regardless of its phase of development, condition, and/or perceived usefulness to society. We affirm that human life exists on a continuum, unchanged in its essence and inherent value, from the moment of conception until natural death.


            We unite in order to:

·        protect those who are powerless to defend themselves, including the unborn,

      elderly, and infirm.

·        make known and prevent the grave damage done to women, men, relationships, and the whole of society when the dignity of human life is not upheld.


            We aim to accomplish our goals by providing education to the community of the University of Washington and to the general public, encouraging fact-based dialogue and genuine intellectual openness. We pledge to treat every person, including those who disagree with us, with honor and respect.


Article III - Membership

            Section I — The majority of the membership of this organization shall consist of regularly enrolled undergraduate and graduate students of the University of Washington.

            Section 2 — University of Washington staff and faculty and non-University persons may have associate member status. Associate members may not have voting privileges, and only University of Washington students shall hold offices.


Article III - Officers

            Section I — The officers of this organization shall consist of one president and four chairpersons. The five officers shall be registered University of Washington students only.

            Section 2 — The term of office shall be one year from October I to September 30.       Section 3 — The president shall be in charge of organizing meetings and any functions of     the group, the four chairpersons shall be in charge of research, public relations, and any publications.

            Section 4 — If any officer should resign or be removed from their position, another University student shall be voted in by the members immediately.

            Section 5 — Any officer may be removed by a "A vote of those members present at any meeting.


Article V — Elections

            Section I — Election of officers shall be held in October annually. The acting president shall inform the membership of the election meetings. A week's notice shall be given to all members concerning election meetings.

Section 2 — Vacancies shall be filled by calling a special meeting for members to vote.

Section 3 — The voting majority shall constitute 51% of the members present at any meeting.


Article VI — Meetings

            Section I — Special meetings may be called at any time by the president upon two days notice to members. Official notice of any meetings shall be made to all members via email.


Article VII — Amendment

            Section I — The constitution may be amended by a vote of two-thirds majority membership at any regular or special meeting.

            Section 2 — A special meeting shall be called by the president to inform members of intended amendments to the constitution.


Students for Human Life: