* Live a Chaste lifestyle

* Build a strong family and live by example
* Vote pro-life
* Participate in the March for Life
* Join a pro-life organization
* Support pro-life efforts financially
* Educate yourself on all pro-life issues
* Volunteer at the local pro-life office
* Distribute pro-life voters' guides
* Volunteer at a crisis pregnancy center
* Contact legislators on pro-life concerns
* Lobby for life at the state capitol
* Call into talk radio to speak for life
* Write a letter to your newspaper
* Expose pro-abortion civic groups
* Place pro-life ads in your newspapers
* Donate pro-life books to local libraries
* Man a pro-life booth on campus
* Place pro-life bumper stickers on your car
* Wear pro-life buttons and t-shirts
* Sponsor a baby shower for a local crisis pregnancy center
* Boycott hospitals that perform abortions
* Subscribe to pro-life publications
* Give a pro-life presentation at your school
* Monitor Planned Parenthood's activities
* Distribute pro-life greeting cards
* Visit the elderly, sick or lonely
* Serve as foster parents
* Adopt a child with special needs
* Encourage and promote adoption
* Talk to your doctor about abortion or euthanasia
* Invite a pro-life speaker to your school
* Present the chastity message to youth
* Distribute pro-life literature
* Invite friends to watch pro-life videos
* Offer support to expectant mothers
* Support pro-life businesses
* Volunteer for a pro-life political candidate
* Educate others on abortifacient birth control
* Run for political office
* Counsel men and women after abortion
* Accept pregnant women in need into your home
* Give your friends pro-life resources
* Sidewalk counsel women at abortion mills
* Order pro-life checks
* Attend public hearings on bills affecting life
* Help organize a Life Chain
* Baby-sit for students with children