
Neurosci Outreach News


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Tue, October 7th, 2008

November 7-9 is Life Sciences Weekend at the Pacific Science Center. This is a great opportunity to get a lot of exposure (last year we had a photo in the Seattle Times!), teach hundreds of people, as well as to educate both children and adults. We’ll have a booth nearly all day Friday-Sunday, so clear your schedule now!

March 11 is our tentative date for our annual Brain Awareness Week Open House to be held in the HUB Ballrooms.

A psychology teacher at Auburn Riverside High School wants us to come to her class to augment her fall Brain series in the next few months, and a 5th grade teacher at Lowell School in Seattle would like us to come visit her classroom again. We visited her school last year and had a great time. Also, the RAs of a prehealth floor in the dorms would like us to come visit the undergrads living there and introduce them to neurobiology.

If you’re interested in volunteering for any of these events, please let Sean Georgi know.