Kedist Marse

A Bit About Me

Hey! I'm Kedist, a junior computer science student! I'm passionate about books, video games, cross-stitch, baking, and other relatively sedentary activities. I love to chat, so feel free to strike up a conversation ;0

Hobby To-Dos

Different hobbies pique my interest relatively often; they pretty much come and go with the tide. Sometimes they end up sticking, like with cross stitch, but most of the time they're just things I end up trying or learning a lot about before dropping them and moving on to something else. Oops. Lately, I've been into:


I mainly favor plot- and strategy-based video games like platformers, RPGs, and visual novels. I just really like feeling captivated by a story and its characters. Some favorite games include:


I learned to cross-stitch from Youtube videos in winter of 2019, and I've been doing it ever since! I stitch characters from shows and games I like. It's a time consuming but neat hobby to do while watching a movie or listening to a podcast; sometimes it's just nice to have something to do with your hands. Click the portfolio in the top banner to see some things I've made!