University of Washington Judo Club

Requirements for Ikkyu






            ichi, ni, san, shi, go, roku, shichi, hachi, ku, ju


   General Terms


ayumi-ashi, dojo, Gokyo no waza, happo-no-kuzushi, judogi, judoka, kansetsuwaza, kata, katamewaza, katsu, kappo, kuzushi, nagewaza, newaza, obi, osaekomiwaza, randori, rei, renrakuwaza, sensei, shimewaza, Shimmeisho no waza, sutegeiko, sutemiwaza, tatami, tokui-waza, tsugi-ashi, uchikomi, ukemi




rokkyu, gokyu, yonkyu, sankyu, nikyu, ikkyu, shodan, nidan, sandan, yodan, godan, rokudan, shichidan, hachidan, kudan, judan


   Competition Terms


            hajime, matte, ippon, waza-ari, yuko, waza-ari awasete ippon, osaekomi,

osaekomi-toketa, sono-mama, shido, keikoku, hansoku make


The student must know hand signals used in match officiating and be familiar with the International Judo Federation Refereeing Rules.




            Ushiro ukemi, yoko ukemi, mae-mawari ukemi/zempo kaiten, mae ukemi






Morote seoinage, ippon seoinage, tai otoshi, kata guruma, sukui nage, morote gari, uki otoshi, seoi-otoshi, sumi otoshi, obi otoshi, kibisu gaeshi




Ogoshi, tsurikomi goshi, koshi guruma, harai goshi, uki goshi, sode tsurikomi goshi, hane goshi, tsuri-goshi, utsuri goshi, ushiro goshi




Deashi-barai, osoto gari, hiza guruma, ko-uchi gari, o-uchi gari, sasae tsurikomi ashi, kosoto gari, uchimata, ashi-guruma, oguruma, osoto guruma, osoto gaeshi, kouchi makikomi, tsubamegaeshi, osoto otoshi, harai tsurikomi ashi, ouchi gaeshi, kouchi gaeshi




Tomoe nage, tawara gaeshi, tani otoshi, yoko otoshi, sumi gaeshi, uki waza, yoko guruma, uranage, soto makikomi, yoko gake, kani basami, obi-tori gaeshi, hane makikomi, yoko wakare, osoto makikomi, harai makikomi






Kesa gatame, yoko shiho gatame, kami shiho gatame, kata gatame, tate shiho gatame, kuzure kesa gatame, kuzure kami shiho gatame, makura kesa gatame, ushiro kesa gatame, uki gatame


The student must demonstrate applications and escapes in osaekomiwaza.




Okuri-eri-jime, hadaka-jime, gyaku-juji-jime, kataha-jime, nami-juji-jime, kata-juji-jime, sankaku-jime, tsukkomi-jime. sode guruma jime, ryote jime, katate jime


            The student must demonstrate one defense for each technique above.




Ude-garami, ude-gatame, juji-gatame, waki gatame, ashi gatame, hiza gatame, hara gatame, te-gatame, sankaku gatame

Ikkyu requirements

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Additional requirements


The student must demonstrate combinations and counter-attacks:


            Nagewaza into nagewaza

            Nagewaza into newaza

            Nagewaza against nagewaza

            Newaza against newaza


The student must know the founder, the two guiding principles, date and name of the first hall dedicated to the study of Judo.


The student must be familiar with the Five Principles of Judo in daily life.


            1.  Observe carefully yourself, others, and your environment.

            2.  Seize the initiative in whatever you undertake.

            3.  Consider fully, act decisively.

            4.  Know when to stop.

            5.  Keep to the middle.


The student must demonstrate proficiency in performing techniques on left and right sides.


The student must demonstrate the first three sets-Tewaza, Koshiwaza, Ashiwaza-of Nage no-Kata.


The student must be able to name two jujutsu styles that influenced the Judo curriculum.


The student must have practiced for two years since earning the rank of Nikyu.