Stories to the Cross

During this season of Lent we’ll consider the stories that occur just before Christ’s death on the cross: Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, before the court of the Sanhedrin, denied by his disciples, handed over to be crucified. They’re mysterious and dark stories. They’re the stories that leave us with lumps in our throats. They’re the ones we only want to hear once a year. Because we see much of ourselves in them.

Join us for the stories that lead into the story of God’s greatest grace of all.

Dinner is at 6.

Short stories from Scripture and small groups start at 7 in the Sanctuary of Chapel on the Ave.

banner for lent 2016

It’s Story Time!

Geoff with students winter quarter2

For the first five weeks in winter quarter, we’re sharing our stories of God’s grace.

You might be wondering why we’re doing this.

For one, we believe it’s a great way for us to get to know one another better. Given that we’re only together for a few hours each week, we don’t get the chance to go deep with one another all that often. We see this as an opportunity to grow closer as a community as we hear about how God has worked and continues to work in the lives of fellow students.

Secondly, since we desire to be an intentional Christian community on campus, it’s good for us to be in the habit of talking about where we’ve seen God at work. As Christians, we are supposed to be ready to give an account for the hope we have, and so it’s good to practice telling our stories of hope.

 And finally, we want to hear these stories because grad school (and life in general) is hard. And we need to hear about the ways in which God has been faithful and generous and present in one another’s lives. We need to hear the good news as it has played out in our lives so that we can keep on keeping on.

 So, to sum up:

We’re sharing stories of grace for the next five weeks.

Same time and place as always, Chapel on the Ave from 6 to 8 pm.

Morning Prayer

Screen Shot 2016-01-08 at 8.33.47 AM
Art by Jeremiah Moon, friend of GCF

This Fall Quarter, we’ll go together as intercessors, addressing God for each other, ourselves, and the world.

If you need some encouragement, some words to pray, some coffee, some time with people you love before you really get into the day, join us

for twenty minutes

on Monday mornings at 9:00

at Chapel on the Ave.

We’ll go before God in the hope and knowledge that God does act in this world.