Junta hasn't changed its stripes
So far, however, the small scale of amnesty for political prisoners qualifies as little more than a public relations stunt. More than 1,800 are still behind bars or in work camps. If the regime continues releases at this slow rate there will still be political prisoners in Burma in 2010.
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Aung San Suu Kyi's Release
Rumours have swirled all week regarding the imminent release of Aung San Suu Kyi from 20 months of house arrest.
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High Treason Charges
RANGOON 2 (AFP) - Former dictator Ne Win's daughter, son-in-law and three grandsons are to be charged with high treason -- an offence punishable by death -- for attempting to mount a military coup, a junta official said.
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UN Losing Patience with Slow-Moving Junta
Burma's military junta is facing mounting international pressure to step up its dialogue with the opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi.
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Myanmar stymied dialogue on forced labour
GENEVA (Reuters) - Myanmar's ruling military has effectively blocked international efforts to halt the army's use of forced labour, a senior International Labour Organisation (ILO) official said on Tuesday.
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