Washington State AWRA Student FellowshipsThe Washington Section of AWRA awards two (2) $2,000 fellowships each year. One award will be to a member of a Washington Section affiliated Student Chapter. The other award will go to a student enrolled in a graduate program at a college or university in Washington State. Both fellowships are for a full-time graduate student completing an advanced degree in an interdisciplinary water resources subject. In addition to $2,000 in cash, the award includes a one-year membership in both the State and National AWRA, a one-year subscription to the Journal of the American Water Resources Association, and admission to the Washington State Section Annual Conference. Recipients of the fellowship will also prepare an article describing their research for the AWRA-WA section newsletter. The application for the 2016-2017 school year is now available! Applications are due on November 18th, 2016.. |