Alan's super legit totally up to date professional-looking website!

Welcome to the Alanverse, friends and enemies

Rules of the Alanverse:

  1. You do not talk about the Alanverse.
  2. In this house we appreciate websites that look like it's still 1998.
  3. I'm required to link the UW website terms of use and the privacy policy so those might as well go here.


Send me email at aviola2 [at]

I'm also on tumblr, discord, and (unfortunately) reddit. I'm not telling you where. If you want to know, stalk me. Or, like, send me an email and ask nicely.


I am the vice president/webmaster/jack of all trades for the Disability Advocacy Student Alliance. The website looks slightly better than this one. It's retro! Does 'made in 2004' count as retro?

Anyway, it's a super cool group, so if you're interested in disability advocacy at UW or joining an active community focused on disability on campus, check us out!