What is Husky Archery?
Husky Archery is a club at the University of Washington, Seattle. We shoot at the Intermural Activities Building on campus.
Who Can Join the Club?
To join the club, you must be a current student or staff at the UW.
Do I Need Experience To Join?
Most of our members have never shot before joining the club. If you are thinking about joining, show up to an open Friday shoot. It's the first step to joining and the best way to get a feel for the sport and the club. We teach basic safety and technique. Some people never join and just show up to Fridays regularly. Either way, we'd love to see you there!
Is This a Competetive Team?
The club is primarily for practicing and learning. Some members compete on their own time and some of the officers have started running competitions, but we do not currently have a collegiate archery team. If you would like to start one in the club, feel free.