Welcome back! The Association of Library and Information Science Students (ALISS) is the official student organization for Library & Information Science students at the University of Washington. All students admitted to the Master of Library & Information Science program enjoy a free membership. We are not an organization you have to join or sign up for – you’re already a member! Over the next few weeks there are a few events coming up that you will definitely want to attend.
After the quarter has gotten rolling and LIS 500 has finished, come celebrate with ALISS! We are hosting a MLIS New Student Fall Mixer (for MLIS day and evening students) on Tuesday, October 12, 2004. It lasts from 5:00 PM to 7:00 and will be in MGH 420. Come have pizza, soda, and a good time!
On the first Tuesday of November (11/2), December (12/10), February (2/8), and March (3/8) of 2004, ALISS open meetings will be held. For those of you who have never attended, these meetings are a chance for you to learn what’s happening with ALISS, voice your opinion about classes and the iSchool in general, and meet your fellow students. Typically snacks are provided and a good time is had by all. Details will be coming – keep an eye out around MGH and on your inbox!
Finally, ALISS will be running the election for a new Graduate and Professional Student Senate senator. GPSS is the governing body for the graduate students of the UW. The iSchool’s GPSS senators represent the interests of all graduate students in all iSchool programs and serve for two years. There is currently one open position. Interested students should submit a brief statement in support of their candidacy to aliss@u.washington.edu as soon as possible, preferably by Saturday, October 9. The election will be held during the next week or two. Note: if you do not want your picture from the iSchool student directory next to your statement on the ballot, please say so in your mail to ALISS. If you are interested and have questions or concerns about running for the position, please feel free to e-mail ALISS or the current senator, John Glover (jtglover@u.washington.edu).
Thanks for reading and have a great year!