Compiled and written by Mark Bardsley, MLIS Day
This month's blast comes from the June, 1982 issue of Sojourner, the forerunner to today's Silverfish.

I'm not a big fan of the word apropos but unfortunately, its usage is warranted. This blast is apropos on at least two levels. First, you probably noticed that it is fading. When I first talked to the Silverfish editors they asked me to write a blast blurb and start the preservation process of the Sojourner archives. Finding this blast reminded me that someday, perhaps this summer, I should begin the preservation process. It's also apropos because it talks about things for Infophiles to do during the summer. For example, I like the idea of an AACR2 musical and an edible circulation desk. In fact, I think the two would go well together. Maybe someone from the iSchool can put it all together for a hot event.