The Newsleter of the Association of Library & Information Science Students (ALISS)

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Book seal.

Giving Tree Selection Committee sought
By Rachael Bohn
January 6, 2003

CALLING ALL FUTURE LIBRARIANS! Are you interested in the literacy needs of children? Would you like to be involved in picking a great book for an underprivileged child who might not own a single book otherwise? Would you like to see the iSchool become an important player in the reading lives of our community's most needy children?

Now is the time to commit to helping the iSchool create an annual tradition of book giving! I am soliciting interest in a selection committee for the Giving Tree, a project that was started last year by Misha Stone and Natasha North. The Giving Tree is sponsored by SALA and is funded this year by the iAlumni.

The Giving Tree starts with profiles of children provided by the Washington Literacy Day Care Link. We need iSchool students who have a background in children's literature and developmental stages (and/or who took Chance Hunt's LIS 565 Children's Literature class last fall) to select a book for each child.

We have the funding and the profiles, now all the Giving Tree needs is YOU! You do not have to be planning on a career in children's librarianship. This project is open to anyone in the MLIS program. Scheduling is very flexible. The selection committee can meet together and have a pizza party, if people would be interested. Or if it would be better for everyone to choose the books on their own and submit the titles, that would also work.

If you are interested, please contact me at to learn more. This is a great way to gain practical experience in selection of children's books and is potentially a great portfolio experience. But just as important, it's a way for the iSchool to show the community how devoted we are to the literacy needs of children.

Thanks for your interest.

--Get books to children who might not otherwise own them in the hopes of fostering a love of books & reading.
--Increase literacy awareness and support.
--Begin with 36 underprivileged children, ages 0-5, in the community, with the hopes that our outreach can expand to more children each year.
--Involve iSchool students in the community and provide an opportunity to employ their knowledge of children's materials and selection criteria.
--Provide profiles of children: their reading levels, developmental stages, and interests-- in order to select books in an individualized approach.

--Washington Literacy Day Care Link has agreed to approach childcare providers they currently work with in order to create children's profiles to guide selection.
--Dean Mike Eisenberg supports this project and sees it as being a unique and important way that iSchool students can contribute to their community and promote literacy.

Submissions Requested

Are you interested in sharing your knowledge with the rest of the student body? Have you attended any conferences or taken an interesting or worthwhile class outside of the department? Would you care to review nearby bars for us? Send your Silverfish submissions to

Edited by Michael Harkovitch

Silverfish Web Design by John W.N. Buell